Online Reputation Management

Good reputation is valuable than money, and we help build that for you!

Are you worried about a negative comment or post about your brand that could potentially take down your brand repute? Are you also looking to carve a brand name whilst connecting with your customers on a personal level? Whether you are an evangelist, influencer, professional or a business entity, our online reputation management (ORM) services would help create a lasting online/digital reputation for you.

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    Online reputation management also famously referred to as ORM is all about managing a brand’s repute on social media platforms, forums, search engines and anywhere on the Internet. Many even refer online reputation management as brand reputation management especially if the business is a more of a brand than a corporate.

    Why Digital Claps For ORM?

    Our ORM services are aimed at improving your online reputation as well as digital presence.

    Brand Reputation Monitoring

    Under our ORM services, we at Digital Claps would first monitor your existing web presence pertaining to your brand, products, services, etc. Our ORM professionals with the help of brand reputation monitoring tools keep a track of both user-generated as well as search engine contents pertaining to your brand like in comments, blogs, etc.

    Tackle Negative Posts/Comments

    Most importantly, our ORM services help you to revert to negative comments/posts or reviews in a proactive manner whilst helping you create a positive brand identity on several web-based platforms that may be relevant to your company and brand.

    Improve Accessibility

    We at Digital Claps would also help you come up with novel ways and tricks to make your brand/company more accessible and within the reach of your customers. Long story short, we would help your brand customer-friendly with regard to its online presence.

    Proactive Involvement in Social Media

    Our ORM services help your brand to stay proactive on various social media spheres including social networking sites, forums, blogs, etc.

    Tracking Negative Perceptions

    Our ORM experts work consistently to look out for negative perceptions about your brand followed by neutralizing such content.

    SERP Friendly

    The primary objective of our ORM services is to sway negative results about your brand in SERPs so that fewer folks would see them when searching for your brand.

    Our ORM Services

    Though online reputation management is somewhat related to search engine optimization or SEO, online reputation management has goals different from that of SEO. Yes, ORM mainly focuses to promote neutral or positive content about an entity be it a company, brand or individual rather than just focusing on generating traffic that revolves around certain keywords. The prime objective of Digital Claps’ ORM services is to push away negative content down in SERPs results so that fewer people see it.

    Brand Reputation & Monitoring

    In today’s fast-paced and connected world, things can go viral at the speed of light especially on social media sites. Digital Claps understands this and ascertains the significance of brand reputation management. Our trained and experienced ORM experts develop a comprehensive web strategy to tackle and manage your brand’s repute over the World Wide Web. Couple that with our expert SEO services and drive your brand name to next big level.

    Since we know the role of brand reputation in today’s social media era, we understand how important it is for a brand, company or individual to expect a positive online presence. We work hard to get you there. Tackling negative reviews or any kind of negative content is the topmost priority of Digital Claps’ ORM services strategy.

    We at Digital Claps work to develop a brand-oriented web-defense strategy to combat existing as well as potential negative remarks about your brand before they go viral. Digital Claps’ ORM services aim to protect your brand that you had built from the scratch whilst ensuring optimum brand growth and awareness.

    What We Do
    • Developing a neutral and positive web presence that is line with your brand’s objectives
    • Tackling or removing all negative content about your brand. This includes removing bad images and negative reviews.
    • Subduing all the content that sabotages your brand identity.
    • Monitor social media platforms to ensure that all your tags and mentions are neutral and in line with your brand awareness and social media marketing goals.

    B2B Reputation Management

    Is your online reputation for your B2B business going to the rocks? Does a simple Google search throws up more number of negative reviews than positive? If your answer is yes, then you need to get your head into B2B reputation management now.
    B2B decision makers tend to form an opinion about your business based on the kind of content search engine giants serve them.

    This is where our B2B reputation management services comes into play. Our B2B reputation management services ensure that more of positive recommendations and reviews appear on your website as well as on other web platforms to entice the visitors stay for a longer period of time. Together with our Content Marketing services, our B2B reputation management experts come up with enthralling and catchy client testimonials for your website. Yes, content marketing is an excellent means for a B2B firm in creating a positive brand presence by publishing quality and detailed case studies, whitepapers, etc.

    Our B2B reputation management services ensure that you are actively available on social media platforms to build brand awareness, credibility and brand recall ensuring that you get a competitive edge over others. Also not to forget that the more positive comments you receive on social media platforms, the higher your ranking would be with search engine algorithms.

    What We Do
    • Help you capitalize on case studies and client testimonials
    • Harnessing the power of social media influence
    • Brand awareness
    • Brand recall and credibility
    • Reputation monitoring
    • Comprehensive reputation management strategy

    B2C Reputation Management

    Do you know more than 45% of consumers expect a brand to response over social media within the first hour of contact!

    Yes, the more time you take, the more the damage would be. For a B2C company where customer engagement rates are extremely high and frequent, online reputation management devised for B2C firms can help streamline that.

    Though most of the B2C brands do have an online presence, only a few tend to stand out. Digital Claps’ B2C reputation management services follow a distinct approach to help address concerns and encourage interactions to build a brand affection and recall. Our B2C online reputation management services serve as a gateway to boast your brand image and nurture a friendly social media presence to attract more and more consumers.

    What We Do
    • Monitor social media and search results
    • Amend negative reviews
    • Ensure positive brand mentions
    • Ensure positive web presence
    • Establish brand image
    • Help you respond promptly
    • Help build brand loyalty

    Celebrity Reputation Management

    From Star to Superstar! Avail our celebrity reputation management to win more followers, likes and searches. Let your followers know your presence. Whether you intend to promote positive content, protect your privacy, boost visibility or tackle rumors or bad publicity, we at Digital Claps will handhold you throughout.

    Malicious rumors or defamation of image is the worst nightmare for a celebrity. This is the reason our celebrity reputation management is a staple for many celebrities and influences out there. Even a tiniest of rumor if left unchecked can hamper your online presence and image. Our celebrity reputation management services would help in replying to your followers or fans, removing bad or tarnishing images from the web to protect your online presence.

    From people who aim to drive their image to politicians who seek to gather support from their audience, Digital Claps celebrity reputation management will make sure that you appear in the best possible light to your audiences.

    What We Do
    • Create and nurture positive online identify
    • Suppress or remove negative results
    • Drive positive content
    • Protect personal privacy
    • Subduing bad reviews
    • Get rid of unfair complaints or allegations

    Expand Your Digital Reach With Our Customized Online Reputation Management Services

    Dedicated Resources

    Our “Dedicated Resources” model helps clients get exclusive digital marketing resources and its benefits without the accompanying challenges and cost of training, hiring, and knowledge transfer. These resources work exclusively for the client.

    Part-Time Resources

    Our “Part-Time Resources” model is a “pay as you go” model where clients are billed based on how much time has been invested. This allows clients with smaller requirements to still be able to get the same benefits as that of dedicated resource but at a lower cost.

    Hourly Resources

    Our “Hourly Resources” model is the traditional outsourcing model where project requirements, written deadlines, and pre-determined budgets are decided prior to the commencement of work. Suitable for clients looking for project-based assignments.

    Business Testimonials

    Hire Database Specialists

    ” We have worked with Enlink on various software development initiatives & technology enabled services. Our experience has been outstanding. The Enlink team is professional, knowledgeable and accommodating to needs no matter what time of day. They helped us to re-develop our software for our client and they took the product to a whole new level. Our clients have been extremely happy with the end result. We continue to expand our partnership to include hosting, software maintenance as well as the development of additional software products and business services. “

    Jeff W. Mallory

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