Social Media Marketing

Create Communities | Drive Engagement | Build a Brand

Unleash the power of social media to build communities, drive engagement and create a brand presence on the web. We at Digital Claps great pride in presenting our proven and tested Social Media Marketing services to businesses of all sizes and verticals. We know what it takes to drive viral content, drive engagement, bring in more leads/business and much more on every social media platform out there.

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    With massive engagement and reach rates compared to display and search advertising, social media marketing or social advertising is an excellent tool to drive a brand’s presence over the World Wide Web. A perfect social media marketing partner with a powerful social advertising strategy that blends popular social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. could yield outstanding results. If you find your business in a soup when it comes to social advertising, then we are here to help!

    Why Digital Claps For Social Media Marketing?

    Our social media experts eat, sleep and breathe social. Further, our social media marketing professionals leverage advanced ad formats, analytics and insights, remarketing strategies and tested social marketing tricks to deliver the desired results. No surprises, low risks and full value for your money! Our prime focus lies in the following:

    Social Media Strategy

    We at Digital Claps ensure to come up with a targeted and well-defined social advertising strategy for your business to help drive more leads and engagement whilst nurturing your brand presence over social platforms.

    Social Media Advertising

    Social media advertising services at Digital Claps focus to optimize your social marketing spends by executing targeted social advertising campaigns based on interests and behavior. In addition, remarketing helps us in upselling.

    Social Media Content

    Our social media experts know what it takes to make social media content go viral and sensational. We ensure to We know how to drive engagement and bring in more leads with spot-on audience targeting on various social media channels.

    Our Social Media Marketing Services

    Facebook Ads

    Do you know that a single Facebook can attract millions of users! Let our Facebook marketing experts handle that for you. Yes, they would engage, listen and respond to your users. Let your customers be your BFFs whilst our social media experts monitor the engagement rates on a regular basis followed by detailed reporting.

    With over 2 billion active monthly users on Facebook, your business is guaranteed to grab the eyeballs of your target audience. Facebook offers us an unparalleled opportunity to reach out to the masses out there. Our Facebook ads put your business where your customers are. Most importantly, we make sure that you reach the right audience, at the right time and with a human touch eventually helping you end up with improved website traffic and business.

    What We Do
    • Creating communities and users into friends
    • Creating brand advocates on Facebook
    • Managing and creating profiles
    • Updating your Facebook pages on a regular basis with images and catchy content
    • Engaging your followers
    • Running trivia, contests, etc.
    • Quick responses to queries

    LinkedIn and Slideshare Ads

    Let your business reach out to more than 450 million professionals and decision-makers through one of the most preferred and professional social media marketing platform i.e. LinkedIn. We put you across all the CXOs and decision-makers out there on LinkedIn with meaningful and relevant content.

    LinkedIn is the most apt platform for B2B business that aims to reach out to decision makers. Our LinkedIn and SlideShare Ads help you reach out to key personnel, who make key decisions. Our LinkedIn and SlideShare Ads include distinct and meaningful content aimed at driving leads.

    Our LinkedIn marketing services cover LinkedIn account management, content creation, reporting and most importantly, growing connections. Our LinkedIn and SlideShare Ads experts ensure to use the most robust and effective features on LinkedIn and SlideShare.

    What We Do
    • Increasing LinkedIn connections
    • Driving LinkedIn engagement
    • Increasing traffic
    • Increasing Followers
    • Help offer outstanding customer service to your customers and connections
    • Drive business awareness
    • Analytics and reporting

    Twitter Ads

    Twitter enjoys the presence of over 300 million users that include people from all walks of life. Drive brand recognition on Twitter with our Twitter advertising services. Build your brand and followers through our trusted and proven Twitter Ads.

    Our Twitter marketing services and Twitter Ads are professional social advertising services devised to create the maximum impact for your business on the micro-blogging platform. The services include Twitter monitoring, audience growth, reporting and tweeting.

    It is simply impossible to win at Twitter if you lack a proper strategy and unfortunately, several businesses out there start tweeting without a proper plan in hand. We at Digital Claps take deep efforts to understand our clients and develop a suitable Twitter Ads plan for them assuring total value for your money.

    What We Do
    • Increasing your Twitter followers
    • Driving favorites and retweets
    • Driving impressions and reach
    • Driving website traffic
    • Twitter marketing
    • Sponsored ads and promotions
    • Promoted Ads

    Instagram Ads

    Use one of the most captivating and enthralling social platforms on the Internet to reach out to a whole new dimension and set of people. Yes, our Instagram ads help your brand presence on Instagram the right way.

    Studies have proved that more than 50% of the Instagram users stated that this is the platform where they found new services/products and brands. This is the reason Instagram Ads are gaining a good traction these days. Instagram Ads can help your business above your competitors in a smart way to help drive brand awareness/presence, customers, engagement and followers.

    Expect to see a growth in relevant Instagram followers and quality content with our Instagram Ads. Gain exceptional word-of-mouth exposure whilst gaining new followers and customers through our Instagram marketing services.

    What We Do
    • Driving Instagram followers
    • Driving Instagram engagement (Comments and Likes)
    • Driving Instagram Impressions and Reach
    • Driving website traffic through Instagram Ads

    Social Remarketing

    We at Digital Claps use the most advanced social remarketing techniques and tools to provide our clients with proven results. Our social remarketing strategy includes relevant and quality ad formats followed by advanced analytics and insights.

    Our social remarketing services will help you reach to a new set of customers who may be similar to the existing customers. After analyzing a list of all your visitors, our social advertising experts would come up with remarketing ads to re-engage all your customers.

    The prime focus of our social remarketing services is to increase leads with a well-targeted and well-defined social remarketing strategy. Optimize social marketing spends by targeting the audiences on interests and social footprints. Extending the reach of your brand using similar user targeting.

    What We Do
    • Drive sales and leads with targeted social remarketing and advertising
    • Optimize social advertising spends by targeting the users on the basis of interests and behavior
    • Re-targeting
    • Remarketing
    • Extending the reach through similar audience targeting
    • Facebook remarketing

    Conversion Rate Optimization

    A fraction of increase in conversion rates could straightaway mean a 100% rise in sales! We blend in a fine mix of SEO with A/B Testing, traffic and optimization techniques to streamline user journeys for you.

    With a proven track record, we at Digital Claps consider every CRO project individually with a distinct plan, data analysis and testing ensuring desired results. Our conversion rate optimization services ensures that you get full return on investment (ROI).

    At Digital Claps, we strive to make sure that your website traffic efforts don’t go futile by backing them up with a robust conversion plan. This is where our conversion rate optimization services come into picture.

    What We Do
    • Designing apt landing page
    • Understanding user journey across the website
    • Eradicating pain points for a seamless customer journey
    • Driving engagement
    • Driving sales
    • Mitigating customer acquisition costs
    • Perform A/B testing

    Our Social Media Marketing Process

    Our social media marketing services are designed to help you listen to your people and understand what they are talking about your brand/business, when and how to approach them, direct and manage social conversations and strategize social advertising tactics that best suit your preferences, budget and needs.

    1. Social Media Strategy

    To help you understand and listen your audience.

    2. Brand Awareness

    Drive brand awareness, retain stronger customer relationships and generate website traffic.

    3. Social Media Engagement

    Well-defined social marketing strategy to drive more engagement whilst nurturing brand presence over social platforms.

    4. Social Media Optimization

    Conversion rate optimization to help you fetch full return on investment (ROI).

    5. Campaign Setup

    Setting up campaigns with quality ad copy score and compliance to Google AdWords.

    Expand Your Digital Reach With Our Customized Social Media Marketing Services

    Dedicated Resources

    Our “Dedicated Resources” model helps clients get exclusive digital marketing resources and its benefits without the accompanying challenges and cost of training, hiring, and knowledge transfer. These resources work exclusively for the client.

    Part-Time Resources

    Our “Part-Time Resources” model is a “pay as you go” model where clients are billed based on how much time has been invested. This allows clients with smaller requirements to still be able to get the same benefits as that of dedicated resource but at a lower cost.

    Hourly Resources

    Our “Hourly Resources” model is the traditional outsourcing model where project requirements, written deadlines, and pre-determined budgets are decided prior to the commencement of work. Suitable for clients looking for project-based assignments.

    Business Testimonials

    Hire Database Specialists

    ” We have worked with Enlink on various software development initiatives & technology enabled services. Our experience has been outstanding. The Enlink team is professional, knowledgeable and accommodating to needs no matter what time of day. They helped us to re-develop our software for our client and they took the product to a whole new level. Our clients have been extremely happy with the end result. We continue to expand our partnership to include hosting, software maintenance as well as the development of additional software products and business services. “

    Jeff W. Mallory

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